Kahu Alalani Astara Hill trained under "Papa" the Blessed Kahu Kawika Ka'alakea.
She carries on his name and his teachings, as his chosen Alaka'i and Haumana (chosen student) in Christian Ministy. Her work includes Hawaiian weddings, blessings, baptisms, funerals, la'au lapa'au (Hawaiian healing methods and herbs), ceremonies, sacred tours, ministerial duties and continuing the Hawaiian protocol through Akua's (Gods) work. Papa was a Kahuna pule, Kahuna La'au Lapa'au and Kahuna Ho'oponopono as well as a Pentecostal Minister. Alalani was his personal Kako'o (assistant) in the last years of his life. She is very humbled to serve the Lord and carry on these teachings.

Alalani feels blessed to carry on Papa's work. Alalani is a licensed Minister in the State of Hawaii, and was ordained in 1981. She has also received additional training from many teachers and elders in her 30 years on a Spiritual path. What she learned from Papa Kalua of Maui are cherished teachings as well. She has had a Bishop for her mentor from 1976 unlil the early 90's. Again she is very humbled and thankful to Ke Akua and her Kupuna.